Update from Administrator – June 9, 2022

Update from Administrator – June 9, 2022

June 8, 2022

Dear Resident & Family member,

I hope this letter finds you doing well. I write you today with update as related to the COVID-19 confirmed cases within our facility. Unfortunately, we received confirmation of one new COVID-19 case among an employee. This employee worked on the fourth floor. Fortunately, the symptoms experienced are minimal-mild and the employee remains stable. Please know, we immediately notified RIDOH upon receipt of the confirmed case and we maintain regular collaborations with our designated infectious preventionist from RIDOH. As always, we continue to adhere to the infection control guidelines and protocols of both the CDC and RIDOH.

Should there be any changes made to the guidelines or there are additional confirmed cases, I will provide you an update.

On a more positive note, social activities remain enjoyed by residents and yesterday we had a COVID-19 booster clinic which was successful. Those residents and staff vaccinated are doing well and experiencing minimal side effects associated with the vaccine/booster such as a sore arm, and fatigue.

In closing, I am happy to share that we have been successful in our recruitment efforts. Please join me in welcoming our new Director of Nursing Services, Debbie Camara. While Debbie is new to Waterview Villa, she is not new in her role as DNS. We are happy to have Debbie on our team and feel she is a wonderful addition! In addition to Debbie, Natasha Harris started this week. She is our new Infection Preventionist and like Debbie, has experience in this role. We are thrilled to have her join our team as well. We look forward to continuing our recruitment efforts.

Residents have shared such positive feedback of the newly hired staff.

Best Regards,
Lori Levine, BSW, LNHA

June 9, 2022 A Healthier Approach To Caring