Update from Administrator – December 22, 2021

Update from Administrator – December 22, 2021

December 21, 2021
Dear Family member,

I wish I had some holiday cheer to offer you as we get close to Christmas day. Unfortunately, Waterview Villa has at least 4 confirmed cases of residents who tested positive for COVID-19 and at least one staff member who also tested positive. Test results from yesterday are not in as of this writing so it is possible there will be more positive cases for which we will continue to keep you updated.

Currently, all the positive residents reside on the second floor and the staff member who is home under quarantine, works on the second floor. We are testing all residents and staff members twice per week. We are offering/coordinating/administering the monoclonal antibody treatment to COVID positive patients and those exposed to a COVID positive individual. We have stepped up our cleaning and disinfecting procedures, disinfecting all high touch and high traffic areas twice per day. We continue to communicate with the Rhode Island Department of Health and will keep them updated as we strive to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all residents.

Residents residing on the second floor not in quarantine may participate in activities and dining on their floor only until further notice. Residents residing on the other floors may continue to leave their floor to participate in activities and other events. We are strongly discouraging any family member from visiting their loved one on the second floor. If you do visit this floor, you will have to wear an N95 mask. Any resident currently in quarantine cannot have visitors.

However, you can plan a virtual visit with our recreation department.
Please note, that 80% of the current COVID cases are of the Omicron variant which is extremely contagious. If more COVID cases are diagnosed in the facility, the Department of Health may direct us to restrict indoor visitation. I hope this does not happen, but you need to be aware that it is a possibility.

On another note, I wish to inform you that I am leaving Waterview Villa. I am a regional administrator for Athena, the parent company that owns this facility. I have been asked to transfer to our sister facility in Woonsocket, Oakland Grove. However, I am pleased to inform you that you have a terrific new administrator at Waterview. Lori Levine is the new administrator at Waterview Villa effective December 20th• Lori has a long career in long term care. Lori has worked as a social worker in skilled nursing facilities and previously worked for the Alliance for Better Long-term care as an Ombudsman. Please join me in welcoming Lori to Waterview Villa.

Lori will be providing you COVID-19 updates and other facility news in the weeks and months ahead. I will miss all of you!

Steve Haase

December 22, 2021 A Healthier Approach To Caring