Update from Administrator – June 12, 2020
June 12, 2020
Dear Family Member/ Guardian,
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying this beautiful weather. We are pleased to tell you that the number of positive cases at Waterview Villa has significantly dropped, as residents recover and improve from this insidious virus. I would like to take this time to thank our hard-working staff for their continuous dedication and caring attitude throughout this concerning time.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our families to adhering to the Governor’s request and not visiting the facility. Your patience is appreciated as the Rhode Island Department of Public Health continues to mandate Visitation Restrictions. We understand that this is very frustrating for you, however government officials have started discussions in terms of developing rules, regulations, and guidelines for the upcoming months. Once these are received, reviewed, and approved, we will be contacting you with further details and instructions.
In the meantime, please feel welcome to call the facility should you have any questions or would be interested in scheduling a FaceTime appointment. These are still being held daily as scheduling permits. We hope to see you soon.
I wish you all good health and will continue to communicate with you in the spirit of transparency, honesty, and caring about you and your loved ones.
Marc Neustadt