Update from Administrator – August 29, 2022
August 29, 2022
Dear Resident & Family member,
I hope this letter finds you doing well! I write you today with update, unfortunately we received notification of a COVID positive test result on behalf of an employee, This employee will be out of work for a minimum of five days and if fever free for a period of 24 hours without a fever reducing medication, and their symptoms have improved, may return to work. Due to our facility being in what is considered as “outbreak stah1s” (not having gone 14 days without a new positive COVID test result) all employees and visitors are required to wear N95 masks while on resident units.
Fortunately, this positive employee only has mild respiratory symptoms and remains stable. Please note, we do not have any COVID positive residents, and we continue to strive to keep it this way! Our sanitation to all high traffic areas remains diligent and as always, we continue to maintain infection control guidelines established by both the CDC and RIDOH.
We thank you for your continued cooperation and support. I will continue to provide you with updates as they should arise. Should you have any questions, please reach out to myself or Debbie Camara, DNS.
Best regards,
Lori Levine, BSW, LNHA