Update from Administrator – December 27, 2021

Update from Administrator – December 27, 2021

December 27, 2021

Dear Resident and Family Member,

This letter is being sent as an update notice regarding the status at Waterview Villa. Presently there is a total of 13 COVID positive residents and 6 COVID positive staff members. Please understand the numbers may change as we continue to test staff and residents twice a week. Today we received positive test results of 2 residents who reside on the 4th floor. Upon learning of the positive test results, we immediately moved them to the 2nd floor which is our designated COVID unit. If there is any positive from all of this it is that those residents who are COVID positive are only experiencing mild respiratory symptoms. While the Department of Health continues to provide guidance to us, we want to remind you that Residents who are COVID positive or remain in quarantine due to exposure are unable to receive in person visits. However, we continue to offer virtual visits which are being scheduled through our activity department. While we are strongly discouraging visits to the COVID unit, if you chose to visit a resident on the 2nd floor who is not on quarantine or in isolation, you are required to wear an N95 mask. We continue to be diligent with sanitizing all resident and heavily exposed areas throughout the facility. Updates to the Department of Health remain and as promised, we also will continue to provide you with updates as to any new information as it should arise.

We thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Lori Levine, BSW, LNHA

December 28, 2021 A Healthier Approach To Caring